‚àö STRIP CONTROL CHARS removes ALL characters with ASCII values less than 32 (control characters) except for tabs and CRs. This includes removal of LFs which are typical in files from DOS-based machines. LFs are automatically removed in Make Paragraphs and Make Paragraphs2, Wordstar‚Ñ¢ -> TEXT, Strip Characters (when LFs is selected), and Force Line Width processes.
Control characters are often, though not always, displayed as characters shaped like square boxes in word processors.
‚àö NORMALIZE SPACES limits spaces; 1 between words and 1 or 2 (defined in preferences) between sentences. Spaces are NOT inserted, only removed. Determination of sentences is pretty good, but is NOT infallible.
√ MAKE ELLIPSES converts ... (3 periods) to … (an ellipsis).
To reverse this process and convert ellipses to three periods, create a replacement string pair with a single ellipsis (press option-semicolon) as the Find What string and three periods as the Change To string.
‚àö MAKE EM DASHES converts -- (2 hyphens) to - (an em dash), optionally removing spaces on either side of the dash.
To reverse this process and convert em dashes into hyphens, create a replacement string pair with “^222” (an em dash) as the Find What string and “--” as the Change To string.
‚àö STRIP TRAILING SPACES removes trailing spaces from each line.
√ MAKE LIGATURES converts “fi” and “fl” pairs into their respective ligatures.
To reverse this process and convert these ligatures back into “fi” and “fl” pairs, create two replacement string pairs. The first should have “^222” as the Find What string and “fi” as the Change To string. The second should have “^223” as the Find What string and “fl” as the Change To string.